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- 2021-2022
- Acer Stem visit- RAF Cosford
- #HelloYellow
- Harvest assembly and workshop - Year 5
- Rockit Music assembly
- Reception Severn's Inspire workshop
- Dog's Trust Visit
- DT Spring Wow Week
- Egg Drop Challenge
- Fierte Festival and Jubilee
- Forest school - Parent workshop
- Little Blue Star- KS1 Christmas Nativity
- Mental Health Workshop
- Mini Medics - First aid lessons for KS2
- Mother's Day afternoon
- Rev. Ben Whitmoor Assembly
- Rocksteady Concert
- Safer Internet Week
- Science Day
- TTRS- England Rocks
- Wolseley Bridge nature reserve - Year 2
- World Book Day
- Year 1 Thames Parent workshop
- Year 3/4 assembly
- Year 3/4 Greek Day
- Year 3/4 trip to Tamworth Castle
- Year 3/4's Inspire workshop
- Year 5 Nene's Inspire workshop
- Young Voices
- Reading workshop
- 2022-2023
- 2023-2024
- 2024-2025
- 2021-2022
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- Community and Cultural Capital
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